Summer Holiday Pastime Tips For Mums

Summer Holiday Pastime Tips For Mums

Culinary kids

Children love to cook or help to prepare simple dishes, even making smoothies can be a fantastic way to spend an afternoon. Why not ask your children to come up with recipe ideas for their own smoothies? This way they will feel really proud of the end result and it’s a fantastic way to get your children excited about healthy foods!

Budding artists

Is your child a budding artist? If so why not encourage this with a few inexpensive art supplies and a designated ‘messy area’ inside or preferably in the garden. Set them up with items such as poster paints, crayons, magazines, safe scissors, glitter and glue and plenty of newspaper to protect the table or floor. Then you can help them to create a work of art. Colages, paintings, leave rubbings – the list is endless and they will really enjoy themselves. Put the result up on your wall to brighten up your room and make them feel proud.

Summer journal

For older children a journal can be great fun over the holidays. Buy a book with plain and lined paper so that they can write about the best parts of their holiday and add pictures or stick in items such as cinema tickets or pressed flowers from the garden to make it more interesting. At the end of the holidays they will love taking this into school to show a favourite teacher.

Jewellery fun

It’s amazing what a child can create with a few coloured shoe laces and some pasta or beads! Older children may like to try nylon thread with smaller beads to make some fun jewellery to keep. If you’re lucky you may even get to wear one of their creations afterwards!

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