Wholesale Clothing – A Great Business Idea

Wholesale Clothing – A Great Business Idea

Wholesale clothing is a great business to go into. Like many other wholesale businesses, the wholesale clothes business can potentially be a very big money maker. The first step you must do before you decide to open a business like this is to go ahead and do a tremendous amount of research about this type of a business. The research can be done both via the internet, by reading appropriate materials, and through speaking to people who are either in the business or are very familiar with wholesale clothes and get good ideas of where to buy the best quality wholesale clothing for the cheapest price.

By doing proper research, you will also be able to learn how to deal with the manufacturers and how to bargain with them so that you will be assured that you are absolutely getting the best and lowest price possible. A few ideas people might tell you is if you buy a tremendous quantity of clothing at one shot, the manufacturers like it because they are closing on a major deal in one day. For them it is worth it to give in on their profit a little bit to be able to close a deal of such a large sum of money.

Another way you might be able to get the price of the clothes down to rock bottom is by offering to pay for the entire order all at once and possibly even in cash. This motivates the manufacturer to close the deal when he sees he is getting all the money up front as opposed to making it over time. Sometimes, people don’t like having their customers pay over a few months or a year because when their customers pay in monthly payments there is always a chance the money will never come through and it is not always worth the hassle and headache as well as the expense to take their customers to court.

When doing proper research, one of the things you must find out is what your clientele is like. Look around at the styles of the area you will be selling in and make sure what you are selling is somewhat similar to what people are buying in that area. Retail stores will refrain from buying from you if they think they will not be able to get the clothes out the door. However, if you plan on having an online wholesale business, you can have all sorts of styles which cater to a wide range of stores carrying all different types of clothes. This makes it a lot easier to make more money.

So remember, selling wholesale clothing can be a great way to make a nice living. The main thing to keep in mind is research it in the right manner to make sure it will be as successful as you would like it to be!

Hand Made Gifts From Bethlehem

Hand Made Gifts From Bethlehem

Religious gifts are the best way to touch the hearts of our loved ones. No other gift can replicate these religious gifts as they are widely accepted by all types of people. A handmade gift can have that much more impact on your loved one, as it is not a mass-produced off the shelf gift. Before choosing a religious gift, we should know something personal about the person. All of us do have faith in some religion and so this is the main factor to be considered while choosing a religious gift. The religious background of the person is the basis on which we select the religious gift for him. If unknowingly we give a wrong gift, then it would cause much harm than good.

If you are a Christian follower or do wish to give some gifts to some one of Christian faith then there are actually plenty of options before you to choose. Most of the Christian religious gifts are based from the events of the bible. It may include both incidents from the Old Testament and New Testament as well. Bible offers us a variety of subjects covering happiness, suffering, sadness, pain, charity and hope. Any occasion you think off, there are incidents in bible which you can make use of to prepare gifts to your loved ones, and a handmade gift from Bethlehem may be the best gift for you loved ones.

The most popular religious gifts of the catholic faith do come from the Holy Land. These are genuine handmade gifts from Bethlehem. Most of these handmade gifts are made from olive woods. These woods are taken from olive trees which are hundreds and thousands of years old and found in the locality of Bethlehem. These trees are believed to be very holy as they are in existence from the times of Jesus Christ. Bethlehem is the place where Christ lived and preached among people. So the woods from these trees are found very holy by the faithful.

The wood is never harvested by killing live trees but in fact the woods are taken from the branches of those trees that have been cut down for maintenance or those trees that have died due to old age or disease. Most of these olive trees are thousands of years old and the authorities make sure that no live tree is cut down to take wood from it. The suppliers of these olive woods should certify that these woods are from the Holy Land and no live tree has been cut down for the purpose of taking woods.

The religious gifts from the Holy Land especially those made out of the olive woods are very popular among the faithful. There are many handmade gifts that can be made out these olive woods. In fact the craftsmen of the surrounding locality do come with more and more new ideas each time. Some of the products that can be made out of these woods

Good Christmas Gifts For Dad – Discover the Inexpensive Ones

Good Christmas Gifts For Dad – Discover the Inexpensive Ones

The day of Christmas is around the corner and I believe you must be battling with your mind about the good Christmas gift to give your dad. As a result of the economic downturn, most people would like a gift that is inexpensive and cool to give their dad and still be something that their father will appreciate.

The first Xmas gift idea for a dad is wine. Most people love to drink red wine and the best part is that you can get a quality wine that tastes good from $50 to $200 depending on the amount you can afford. You can put your dad on suspense by packaging the present using a gift pack properly. This will not only make him surprise, but he will be glad that you are thoughtful of him this Xmas.

The next present idea you can consider to give your father this Christmas is perfume. Perfumes do not cost much, though we still have the expensive ones just as we have the inexpensive ones. You can get assorted types of perfume perfect for giving your dad as a gift for $50. $50 is a good amount to spend for your dad this Christmas, though it may be based on the amount you can afford. We have different types of perfumes that are under $50 which are perfect for dad. You could save even more if you make your order through a low cost store online.

Comparing the two best presents to give dad this Christmas, I believe you will be confused about the good one to select. Most dads would go for perfume while few will go for wine. Most persons use perfume, but I do not think that all persons drink wine. In my opinion, I will recommend you to go for perfume as a Christmas present for your father this season.

Top 4 Gifts For Her – How to Make Your Dating Perfect

Top 4 Gifts For Her – How to Make Your Dating Perfect

How to have a date successfully? Boys, it is a piece of cake if you have been clear about the interests of your partner. Why? Gifts always make girls cheerful! As to the girl, a gift shows that you are considerate and you love her very much; no matter how insignificant the gift is, it makes the girl joyful.

Therefore, I think it a smart idea to bring HER some gifts when dating. Then, what are the best gifts for her?


Almost every girl loves beautiful flowers. A bunch of flowers might be the best gift for your girl. But you have to know which kind of flowers your girlfriend loves before sending the blossom to her. Usually, flowers are comparatively inexpensive so that you can afford them for your dates without much difficulty.


Sometimes, you could try to bring a piece of jewelry for your sweetie. On one hand, jewelry is really marvelous gifts for girls; on the other hand, they are too expensive to purchase. So, what should you to to deal with it? Maybe you can give her the jewelry on some special occasions only, such as her birthday party.


Every girl has a handbag. Why not buy a delicate bag for her to please her? There are lots of selected handbags online; thus, it will not take you too much time to choose one pretty bag for your girl.

Love Letter

Perhaps, it would take you much time to write a love letter. However, I believe that it is worth writing a love letter to your special girl. If you are too shy to tell your girl that you love her, then you can express your love to her with a pen and a piece of paper. So terrific! Right?

Now, have you known how to make your dating perfect? Just a small gift can make a difference!

Show Your Love With Unique Gifts

Show Your Love With Unique Gifts

If you want to show your loved ones how much you care about them, it’s essential to do something unique so that they get to feel truly special. Buying your mom a new oven is probably not the best way to touch her heart. However, getting her a new bedspread custom made for her and printed with a collage made of the best photographs of your family may just be what it takes to make her feel very special and loved. This will tell her that you cared enough to give her a unique gift, instead of just spending a lot of money, which even she could have done for herself.

What makes these unique gifts special is the fact, that they are unique and like no other. When you go through that little extra trouble to get something for someone that no one else has you show that person you really care! In turn that person feels special and wanted. A unique gift is distinctive and extra ordinary. It carries a message saying you went the extra mile to gift something that is not just an object but which brings back special memories. This touches the other person’s heart.

These unique gifts bear with them a distinctive message showing the value of the person in your eyes. How would you feel if your loved one gifted you a personalised gift that was made just for you? It will definitely make you feel cherished and richer just by all the love that is in your life. So why don’t you do the same for your loved ones and show them how much they mean to you? These gifts are surprisingly easy to order as well. It’s simple to just order them online and get them delivered anywhere. They don’t cost the earth even though they convey special meanings.

You could give unique gifts to anyone from your significant other to your little niece. Imagine the little lady’s face when she sees her name embroidered across her new teddy bear! And who would express your feelings better than you? You can try your hand at writing your very own personalised greeting cards. You can have any message you want! Just simply choose your desired gift and type in your personal message which is sure to touch the recipient’s heart! Most people collect photographs of their families. It’s always a great idea to get a photograph printed on to a mug or a lovely satin cushion and it makes a special and personal present that anyone would love. Making a gift unique is not difficult. All it really needs is some creativity and some thought process. These unique gifts convey what sometimes words may not and can really make a difference to the receiver.

And just in case you cannot make it to your loved one’s birthday or anniversary, these are perfect gifts to be ordered since the online stores deliver the gift anywhere. Unique gifts

Birthday Newspapers: The Perfect Pressie

Birthday Newspapers: The Perfect Pressie

If you’re stuck for birthday gift ideas, birthday newspapers could be the answer to your problem. A birth date newspaper will almost certainly be available for any date, no matter how old or young your recipient is. And don’t be fooled, these birthday newspaper gifts aren’t reprints or reproductions. They’re the real McCoy and are as old as the date on their front page.

So what’s the appeal? Well, besides their age, it’s the fact they give us a little window into what was happening on the day we took our first bow. Okay, so if they were born the day after the first moon landing, it’s a pretty safe bet as to what will have made the headlines. But what about those days when the news was somewhat slower?

Take Hannah, here in the office. Born on December 3rd 1987, a newspaper from her birthday included coverage of America’s criticism of France for making an apparent deal with Iran in order to gain the release of French hostages in Lebanon. And there may also have been something about the Asian couple who committed suicide as they waited to be questioned over a South Korean airliner that disappeared over Burma.

And what about Maddie? The office’s ‘baby’ was born on 15th January 1991, when her birthday newspapers were reporting on the last-ditch efforts of UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar at preventing war with Iraq. Other likely stories included the deaths of 40 South African football fans during a brawl at a match, and a piece on recovered art that had been stolen by the Nazis half a century earlier.

Then there’s our Tom. Born on 9th June 1985, there were loads of news items being reported from around the globe, but in this instance, Tom’s birthday newspaper will have almost certainly included reports on 30 deaths during violence in Sri Lanka and the ongoing trial of those accused of assassinating Gandhi. It’s really interesting stuff and the perfect way to recollect the newspaper headlines from previous years.

Anyway, here’s the point. As we’ve already said, when you buy birthday newspapers online, you’re not buying a reprint or reproduction – unless you’re after an infamous date. Instead, you’re getting the real deal – an original newspaper that’s as old as they are. What’s more, you’ve got a choice of gift boxes, folders and frames, as well as the chance to have it delivered in a satin-lined box.

Romantic Gifts For Men

Romantic Gifts For Men

Here are some great ideas if you’re looking to inject a little romance into your gifts. Buying for a partner or spouse can be tricky – you probably want to get something meaningful and thoughtful but if they’re not giving out any hints this can sometimes be hard to achieve. Take a look at some of these handy hints.

There are a lot of ‘romantic gifts’ on the shelves these days but the vast majority will look and feel cheap and the rest are downright tacky. Men love to be spoiled as much as women so put some thought into it and try not to be a cliche: think away from cologne, chocolates and sexy lingerie and more towards loving gestures and handmade items. Whilst chocolates have their place, if you’re buying a romantic gift try to make it sensual rather than outright sexual. A home cooked meal with some chocolate mousse and the promise of a foot massage is a great way of injecting some romance.

If you want him to have some presents to unwrap as well then consider making a scrapbook of your time together. Inexpensive and sentimental, if you’re the type to keep movie stubs and gig tickets but just have them stored in a box you can buy a cheap scrapbook and paste everything in to make a beautiful gift you can keep. Intersperse them with photos from your time together and love notes to make it extra soppy.

If you’re feeling brave and think you can bear to bare all then think about doing a ‘boudoir portrait’ session. Specifically designed to make you look your best, these shoots are perfect if you want some classy photos to be proud of. Many photographers offer these shoots as pre-wedding gifts for the groom so take a leaf out of their book and see what you can come up with.

A visit to the most romantic city on earth (so they say) would be a great gift if you have the time and the budget. Pack your stripy T-shirts and berets and hop on over to Paris and experience a kiss on top of the Eiffel Tower, next to the Louvre and in front of the Mona Lisa.

If you can’t quite afford Paris (and let’s be honest, it’s a long way to go) a city break in a city you’ve never been to before can be just as romantic. Book a beautiful hotel, order room service and encourage him to use as much bubble bath as he likes.

Romantic gifts don’t have to be extravagant or astronomically priced, any gift that’s had some thought and effort involved can be romantic. Wrap some love notes in with the presents to create a nice surprise for him to unwrap, or offer him a cup of coffee in bed first thing in the morning. Be creative, you don’t have to settle for store bought romance – use the tips above to create something really special

Choosing a Bridal Handbag

Choosing a Bridal Handbag

To have a memorable wedding is a dream which every girl has in her eyes from the moment she understands the meaning of this intense and pure relationship. She will want every detail of the D-day to be perfect. Handbags form a vital part of any woman’s bridal trousseau. So, when it comes to bridal handbags, it is not a surprise if the brides-to-be spend hours selecting them. But there are many aspects which come into the picture when choosing a bridal handbag. The most vital of these aspects is the style, color and size of the handbags. Let us have a look at these one by one.


The choices of women vary to a great extent when it comes to buying a bridal handbag. Certain women love fashion handbags decorated with baubles and beads, while others prefer an eccentric stylish handbag with rhinestones and palettes. There are also no frill women’s purses that although simple, still look elegant.

If the bridal wear you have chosen is quite simple, then add shine to your appearance with some trendy jewelry, a vibrant stylish handbag and high heel shoes. A handbag in subtle shades of pink or cream, adorned with stones and embellishments is also perfect for the occasion. Or else you can opt for a simple patterned handbag with flowers or some delicate embroidery to add elegance to your bridal wear.


Once you have decided the style of your wedding handbag, choosing the color should be easy. If you are a bride who wants to play it safe, select a bridal purse in white, pearl, ivory or similar shades. If you can splurge, choose from a range of designer wedding handbags that match the color of your wedding gown. For a glamorous look select jazzy colors. You also have a choice of all time favorite colors like blue or red, they generally complement any theme. Also ensure that the handbag and other accessories do not clash otherwise with your wedding gown, but generally complement each other in varying shades.


Last but not the least; let us take a look at what is the ideal size of a bridal handbag. Will you be using the handbag only as an accessory for the sake of your wedding pictures or will it rest beside your chair all through the event? What exactly is the use of the bridal handbag? Is it just for show or you want to keep some handy last minute touch up stuff for emergencies? Generally, brides keep some makeup accessories like lipstick, eyeliner, lip gloss, hand mirror, tissues, pins etc in their handbags. These things do come in useful at some point or other on the wedding day. So depending upon your requirements, the size of your bridal handbag may vary from a small palm size purse to a medium stylish bag.

The latest fashion trends do matter, but what matters most is that you should be comfortable with what you choose, after

Simple Tips To Save Money When Buying Party Heels

Simple Tips To Save Money When Buying Party Heels

Time to get a new pair of party heels? The old ones have probably seen better days. If you happen to be on a tight budget, you can still make do with a pair or two of these sexy pumps and some trendy clothes. Here are some tips to help you save money.

Go For Sales

The four letter word that every women will get excited about. Yes, please focus on getting any of your party heels when they are on sale. And if they are not on sale, you don’t have to fret. A new pair of sexy pumps do not have to cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, it is quite reasonable to get a new pair of sexy stilettos for around $30 to $50. One of the best time to buy any of these shoes is during the season change when stores wish to get rid of their old stock. Now when you are on a limited budget, this is the best time to leverage your hard earned dollar to get several pairs of new shoes.

Variety Adds Freshness

If you ever wonder how women could own more than 10 pairs of shoes, you will need to understand that women are constantly looking for freshness. And having some variety when it comes to buying trendy clothes and sexy high heels will meet that need. Since the majority of women are average wage earners, they will usually look for the best value for money. If you compare branded shoes to those that do not have any brands, you will notice that there is a huge difference in pricing. So for women who are limited in terms of funds, they do not have to be limited as there is a huge variety of sexy pumps that they can choose from which are able to meet their budget. These can be easily found online.

Measure Your Feet

Now you want to always be ready to take advantage of any sale or discount. Because if you are not fast enough, the chances are that the store may run of your size, color or style that you really wanted to get. So please take the time to measure your feet. Know the width and length of your feet so that you can easily buy any type of shoes online. The same goes for clothing. Know your body size. And the moment you see something that you like and the price fits your budget, go for it! It’s not that easy to find something that you like unless you want to spend more time looking for it. So the idea is you need to ready all the time.


Saving money should be everyone’s goal. But the art of spending wisely and prudently is a practice that everyone could excel in once they have made up their mind to make the best of what they have and to enjoy themselves to

Office Wear – Elan International Clothing Trends for Spring

Office Wear – Elan International Clothing Trends for Spring

If you work in an office, you already know how routine and even boring your wardrobe can become. This spring why not consider sprucing up your wardrobe for the office and incorporate some of the newest trends in there? There are no written rules that say you can only wear black pants suits to work, let’s think outside the box and create some great outfits you can wear to work and you will want to wear throughout the evening hours as well.

You should first open your eyes to the world of dress pants. There are literally dozens of different types of pants to choose from today and the flare leg is no longer the most popular choice. The skinny leg and pencil leg have taken over this number one spot and the great thing about wearing these dress pants to work is that you will want to wear them out at night as well. These dress pants can be worn with stiletto heels, flat shoes, sandals and boots alike which give you even more versatility for footwear as well.

Aside from dress pants you have casual wear tops and jacket choices. There is no rule that you have to wear a jacket with your dress pants to work but this season you’ll find there are many cute jackets to choose from so you might want to! Cropped jackets, military jackets and leather jackets are hot this year. You may not have thought of pairing a leather jacket with your dress pants but actually a cropped leather jacket paired with dress pants and a bold colored blouse can look fabulous. It’s this type of creativity that you can use to look great at work and still want to wear the same outfit even when work hours are done.

Rich colors like red, pink, purple and green traditionally look fabulous under a great jacket and this is no different this year. You don’t have to stick with plain casual clothing either, there are many bold patterns and designs within the hot trends of this spring that can easily be worn to work. Get away from the plain white blouses and consider a great floral blouse that can bring some elegant color to your outfit. Spring is all about color. After those long winter months there is nothing better than putting on nice and bright colors to rejuvenate your mood at this time of the year.

The office place is the perfect place to experiment when it comes to fashion clothes for women. Just remember to be creative to a certain extent. You may not want to utilize animal prints and fluorescent colors but the rest of the fashion trends are fair game. Update your office suits, alternate your footwear and how you layer your choose casual top. As long as you are covered and presentable for work, the fashion trends of 2011 include chic clothing, unique casual wear and glamorous styles that

3 Tips For Scarf Wearing in Fall Fashion Season

3 Tips For Scarf Wearing in Fall Fashion Season

When summer comes to an end, a lot of new fall fashions have recently appeared in shops. Scarf, as a utilitarian and versatile accessory, is becoming the popular fashion investment in wardrobes. It adds color and style to any outfit and can change the look of an ensemble almost immediately.

For most of the scarf’s history, it’s been a utilitarian accessory, primarily to keep warm and comfortable, and for some women, to keep their hair from being spoiled by winds and rains. However, utilitarian clothes can always become fashion statement. Today, stores bring out various types of scarves for every season and weather type. People of fashion also create various ways to wear and wrap scarves to make scarves more popular and stylish. Let’s see how to choose the right scarves to make you distinctive and stylish.

Choose the Right Texture

With the first sign of the fall, it’s a nice way to look appropriate not too heavy or too summery, so this fall fashion season is calling for scarves of light textures like silk and cotton. They could make you look stylish and feel comfortable as well.

Choose the Right Color

Color is another important thing to consider when choosing the right scarf. According to those trend reports, 70’s style of simple and sexy is back to be the theme for this fall fashion season, and neutral and simple apparel will be all the rage. So, you can choose bright colored scarves to add some color and style to the ensemble.

Creative Ways to Wear Scarves

Here comes the most complicated and interesting thing about scarf, how to wear them. Why is it complicated and interesting? It’s because there are numerous ways to wear a scarf, and there will be more ways to be created.

The most common and conservative way of wearing a scarf is to wrap it around your neck, making you casual and comfortable. You can also tie the ends into a knot to the side, making a feeling of elegance or loveliness.

It’s also in style to wrap the scarf around your hips, like a scarf belt. This will make your waist look smaller and bring additional credit to the whole image. Another creative way to wear scarf is to use it as a headband, making your hair out of your eyes.

Many creative ways could be found to wear scarves; you just need the mind to do it. The fall fashion season is right around the corner, get yourself some chic and fashionable scarves to fit with your outfits and be the eye-catching star in public!

Spring 2012: Top Wearable Fashion Trends

Spring 2012: Top Wearable Fashion Trends

Did you ever think you would be seen in colored jeans, strong tribal patterns, or bright tangerine? Many trends can be bold and crazy on the runway, but don’t let that intimidate you. All of the most popular trends can be toned down for an every day look that is easy for anyone to wear.


Nothing says spring more than baby blue, pale mint green and barely there pink. Pastels are a huge hit this season; with the subtle girly color, this is an easy trend to wear. Try topping a pastel colored flowy skirt, with a white or cream blouse. Be sure to add a statement piece of jewelry to make your outfit pop.

Colored jeans

Colored jeans were a big trend this past winter. With bold jewel tone colors, only the most confident of individuals were willing to try this look. This season we are seeing colored jeans in pretty pastel colors, making the trend easy for anyone to pull off. Just pair these fresh girly jeans with a neutral colored shirt and floral scarf for a chic look.

Color blocking

Color blocking uses solid color combinations to create a dramatic trend. The easiest way to pull off this look is by picking colors in the same color family. Try combining a mint green top with a pretty peach skirt, or a bright pink blouse with electric blue pants. This bold look can sometimes be intimidating, but bringing in a neutral color can help tone down an outfit, making it more wearable.

Floral patterns

A reliable favorite for spring, floral patterns can be worn year after year. Whether your style is bold and bright, or soft and subtle, it is easy to find a floral pattern to match your personality and comfort level. It is important to feel confident in what you wear and floral patterns can be very girly and romantic. Want to try something a little more daring? Look for a fun pair of floral denim shorts to rock this spring.

Tribal print

Bold and strong tribal print is a trend seen in many stores. This popular print is easy to wear since it is often seen in neutral browns and blacks. If you are feeling a little more confident, add a splash of color with a bright scarf or handbag. Not crazy about the strong pattern? Look for an Aztec inspired statement necklace or tribal bracelet to compliment a more basic wardrobe.


One of the most popular colors on the runway for spring is a bright tangerine. Many models are wearing this strong color from head to toe. However, bringing in pops of tangerine can create a very trendy look. Adding a fun orange handbag to an otherwise ordinary outfit can make you instantly stand out in a crowd. A bold tangerine colored scarf over a neutral blouse can brighten up your outfit without looking too harsh. Don’t be afraid to work with color, especially in your

Reading the 2022 Global Fashion Trends for SMEs

The appearance of traditional Balinese Endek fabrics made by SMEs in the collection of Dior international designers in 2021, has convinced many parties how great the potential for the export of Indonesian literature is. From this case, you as a fashion SME player can observe that even though they still use traditional motifs, Endek fabrics can meet global tastes. The key lies in the flexibility to follow global trends.

That is trends in the global market, differences in market tastes both with local tastes and each destination country, the climate and weather of the export destination country, the right market price, as well as regulations imposed by the government of the fashion export destination country.

Ratna is a facilitator and mentor from the Indonesia Design Development Center (IDDC), a facility under the support of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, an institution that functions as a forum for design development as well as a place for learning and mentoring business actors. Regarding trends, you should also take into account that it takes time to prepare a design. 

Estimate that you are designing a trending product for at least the next six months. In the event which is part of the Women Entrepreneurship collaboration program with Facebook #SheMeansBusiness 3rd Batch in 2021, Ratna describes several important things that are trending in 2022 fashion, namely: 

Circular design process

Awareness of environmental impacts has driven the fashion world since ten years ago. last year started promoting sustainable fashion. The application can be varied, for example, zero-waste designs, making overhauls or recycling damaged products, and so on.

Social commerce

Today is the era of community-based business. More and more fashion brands are putting forward local start-up businesses.

Virtual fashion

The pandemic fosters this trend. Starting from virtual fashion shows, selling through social media and live streaming , to using three-dimensional technology to design fashion products.


Still related to the pandemic, the fashion theme above keyboard dressing was born, aka fashion trends with a focus on the waist up. This theme was born because many people now communicate more often via computer screens. Its application is in fashion lately and is predicted to continue to grow in 2022 such as unique collar designs to hijabs.


According to Ratna, the fabric materials that will trend next year are transparent fabrics (sheer), satin, jumputan, woven, textured fabrics, and tweed. As an idea, you can combine batik with transparent fabric.

Key items

Ratna mentioned several fashion items that will become a trend in 2022, namely classic shirts with comfortable loose silhouettes in various colors and materials, peter pan collars, draped tops, maxi dresses, A-line dresses, relaxed casual trench coats. , as well as wide leg pants that can be worn on all occasions.


For spring/summer 2022 neutral and light colors will be the trend, while for autumn/winter 2022 warm and earthy colors will be the trend. Actually every year there is a trend like this, but usually there is a slight difference.

Wholesale – Can Wholesale Clothes Be the Next Big Opportunity For You?

Wholesale – Can Wholesale Clothes Be the Next Big Opportunity For You?

What do you think is a good business for you? Have you ever thought of opening a clothing shop? It is indeed a great idea to make money online. Of course, you would need some products to start this lucrative business online. In this business you would need clothes to start with. Then the best way to do it is to wholesale drop ship clothes. With this you can buy from suppliers, clothes at very low prices but at the same of good quality. Take note, you have to look for reliable drop ship wholesaler that are reliable and trustworthy or else you will just lose your cash investment.

Tips on Buying Clothes from Wholesalers

o Look for Quality Clothes

Cheap clothes have their edge, you can have higher profits. Sometimes cheap wholesale clothes have poorer quality and these can be a turn off for a lot of customers. If you have clothes that are made of good quality then this is what will keep your customers coming back for more. It is safe to deduct that there are a lot of people who loves branded stuffs.

o Do Some Checking

When a batch of new wholesale clothes comes in for a supplier do some checking or much better before a batch of items is shipped for you just ask for a sample. Your wholesaler will be more than happy to send you one. If it passes what you expect it to be then it is safe to order a shipment. It is better to be cautious than to have regrets later on. You can easily lose a profit if you do not do some checking.

o Shipment Matters

Before you make a business deal with a clothes wholesaler be sure to ask first the terms of the shipment of clothes. It is very important to know if they will take care of the delivery or will it be charged to you. There are a lot of available wholesalers who takes care of the shipment itself. If the wholesaler you are dealing with does not include free shipment in your business deal then you can adjust your prices to include the shipment costs. Just make it affordable so that your products can be easily sold.

Women’s Casual Wear – Cute Spring Tops

Women’s Casual Wear – Cute Spring Tops

For most women today, replacing their entire wardrobe to keep up with the ever changing fashion world is simply not an option. Because of this you may want to focus on simply implementing a few key pieces to create these new looks you love and saving your money for a rainy day instead! There are dozens of great casual wear tops available for this spring and summer and they can easily take an old style and rejuvenate it for the new trends of 2011.

Tunics are definitely the most versatile casual top on the market today and by far the most comfortable in my opinion. Tunics are long in length and meant to cover your entire torso while wearing skinny jeans or leggings. In some cases a great tunic can even be worn as a mini dress if it is long enough and you are bold enough. You will find a tunic is just about any color you can think of this year and this includes a wide variety of fabrics as well. You will immediately notice that sequenced tunics are hot this summer and can easily be worn with a neutral pair of leggings and you instantly have a glamorous look for any occasion.

Off the shoulder tops have sky rocketed to the top of everyone’s wish list this year and for good reason. This is the epitome of chic clothing this year and the great thing about these tops is that anyone can wear them and look fabulous. The asymmetrical appearance of this type of top not only accentuates your figure but your shoulder lines as well. Because these casual clothing pieces are generally loose fitting you can easily wear a camisole underneath for additional coverage or warmth. These off the shoulder tops are not really meant to be layered on top; this will cover the dynamics of the shirt and therefore defeat the entire purpose of putting together a great outfit like this.

The Henley style is one that no one can live without. This seemingly regular t-shirt often has buttons down the front and capped sleeves for that added bit of style. They are incredibly comfortable and can easily fit in with the hot military trends this year as well as the more feminine trends such as bubble skirts. This type of versatility is found throughout all the 2011 trends.

When it comes to fashion clothes for women and chic trends like the ones mentioned above you can mix and match them with virtually anything already existing in your closet. For instance, an off the shoulder top looks great with jeans, khakis, skirts and shorts, the options are endless. What this means for you is you can invest in a few different tops this summer and create your own style with your existing closet and your new pieces. Elan International is one of the designers who have taken an interest in the casual wear industry and because of this

Impressive And Highly Economical Gift Ideas For Groomsmen

Impressive And Highly Economical Gift Ideas For Groomsmen

Weddings are an incredibly special and sacred occasion that involves a great amount of people aimed at making it a very special day for the couple getting married. For the groom, many of these people actually include their groomsmen which are often family members and very close friends that all combine to make this a very special and memorable occasion for the groom. Thus, one should know some amazing gift ideas for groomsmen in order to say thanks for their contributions.

As it turns out, providing gifts to anyone in the wedding party for the bride and groom is a very common and socially acceptable practice. Sadly, there are actually countless couples that forget this finishing touch to their wedding which is actually an incredibly powerful message to deliver. Thus, for the groom, one should know what to get their party in order to ensure they know they are appreciated for their efforts.

Many of the most common and popular gifts that are given or provided are actually also very affordable to buy and give. Of course, this is crucial to know in that countless weddings are very expensive and should be minimized as much as possible in the overall process. Thus, knowing what they are is a very popular knowledge base for any newly married couple out there.

Incredible gift ideas for groomsmen actually include cuff links. A very masculine and solid touch, this is probably one of the most common thank you ideas one could think of. Make sure they are personalized for each member of the groom party to add just the right level of added touch.

Without a doubt, men love money clips for the most part which are also very inexpensive. These items are also able to be customized at an incredibly low cost to the groom. Thus, as these are used by many, this should be a very serious consideration overall.

Grooming kits are growing in popularity within this gift offering which is something that is incredibly solid in knowledge overall. With such, one should ensure they are personalized and able to be very specific for the person they are given to. Thus, this is definitely a growing trend that sends a very powerful message.

Incredible gifts for groomsmen are inclusive of personalized and designer pocket knives. There are quite a few knife options that provide various types of functions that are quite handy. Thus, this is also an incredible way to saying thank you.

Fashion Clothes for Women – How to Look Good in a Wrap

Fashion Clothes for Women – How to Look Good in a Wrap

Don’t be scared of the wrap! The wrap is the perfect wardrobe accessory to spice up an existing wardrobe without spending a lot of money. There are many ways to wear the wrap and once you get the hang of how to manipulate the fabric you can easily create numerous different looks with the same piece of chic clothing. Whether you’re interested in looking great for the office, creating a new and glamorous look for your next party or simply enjoying the feeling of something new wrapped around yourself, a great wrap is the answer.

There are some fashion wraps on the casual wear market today that are part cardigan part wrap. What this means is you will put on this wrap like a sweater with your arms through the sleeves and the extra material that dangles is meant to be thrown over your shoulder in a wrap style. This is one of the most popular ways to wear the wrap style because it is easier to put on and there is less thinking involved to make this style work. A wrap like this can be worn with shorts, skirts and pants alike and can be both warm for the winter months of the year and cooler for the warmer months of the year. It’s the materials such as wool is of course meant for winter and distressed and thinner materials are more suited towards spring and summer.

A traditional wrap doesn’t have the sleeves like the option described above and it generally comes in several different shapes and sizes so you can decide how you want to utilize this piece of chic clothing before you purchase it. Just like any other piece of fashion clothes for women on the market today there are different colors and fabrics to choose from and this spring you will find the colors and brighter and bolder than ever.

Layering has always been involved in women’s casual wear fashion and the wrap is the perfect solution. Instead of having to own numerous different sweaters to layer over your tank tops and Elan dresses, this one wrap can do the job of several sweaters and jackets. There are no real rules as to how to use a wrap, it is literally trial and error and using your imagination to create new and different ways of wearing this piece of fabric. You will find a wrap is used quite similarly to a fashion scarf, the way you wrap it around your body.

If you are interested in breaking out some of your favourite spring clothing a little early this year, a great wrap can help you accomplish this. Elan International has designed a wrap that can be worn year round and looks great with just about any fashion trend you’re trying to create. Be brave this year and put away your array of sweaters and create different and unique looks with only one piece

Surviving the Holidays – How to Save Money During the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays – How to Save Money During the Holidays

The holiday season is fast approaching, and in today’s economy this is something that is dreaded when it should be something that is anticipated. But, the holidays don’t have to be hard on you or your wallet. Here are some great tips to help you when you begin to budget and start buying gifts for the holidays.

1.) Consider minimize your gift list. A great way to save money is to exchange gifts with fewer people. Maybe you could just shop for immediate family, and everyone else you normally buy gifts for you can offer to just get together with them and do something more personal with them, like getting together for coffee or going to a movie.

2.) Consider purchasing a gift for someone close to you with someone else. For instance, if your sister and you have decided not to exchange gifts this year, but you still want to buy something for your parents, maybe you and your sister could go in with each other on a bigger gift like a new coffee pot or tickets to a show. This way you can split the cost and save yourself so money.

3.) Create a budget. Write down each person you will be buying gifts for and the amount you are willing to spend on each person. Do not go over budget! While this will take a lot of will power, especially if you are a giving person. But, you are not helping yourself save any money if you keep going over your budget.

4.) Do your best to always pay with cash, especially if you are trying to eliminate credit card debt. The holidays will only drag you deeper into debt if you let it. By paying in cash, you are holding yourself accountable and you will see how much easier it is to stay within your budget when you are paying cash for it.

5.) Consider opening a Christmas savings account. This is a separate savings account you use to set money aside for Christmas gifts. This will make paying in cash a lot easier and accessible.

6.) Get an early start. The official holiday shopping season starts after Thanksgiving, but don’t be afraid to start earlier. This will allow you to get a head start on bargains, and buy your gifts as you see them on sale. Maybe you could commit to purchasing one or two gifts on your list a week, that way it’s not as much of a financial sacrifice to do it all at once.

7.) Consider gift cards. This will allow the people you are purchasing gifts for the opportunity to select something for themselves, and will keep you from spending money on something they might not enjoy.

8.) Be sure to get a gift receipt and know the stores return policy. That way gifts can be easily returned or exchanged if they need to be.

These are great tips for