Do You Make These Promotional Merchandise Mistakes At Trade Shows?

Do You Make These Promotional Merchandise Mistakes At Trade Shows?

Promotional merchandise is an integral part of trade shows. It can be used as an icebreaker to introduce prospects to your products and services, and also promotes your brand when people use the products later. But are you sure you are getting the most out of the items you use? Be sure you are not making these common promotional merchandise mistakes.

1. Displaying Promotional Items Unattractively

Are you displaying promotional gifts to your best advantage, or just throwing them on the table? People “scan” the stands as they walk through, and will stop at a display that is engaging, and creative. Grouping things like pens and stress balls by colour, or arranging them in interesting containers makes your stand look more professional, and draws traffic to you.

2. Not Customizing Your Promotional Items To The Clientele

To get the most out of promotional gifts, you’ll need to provide quality products that people will use daily. It’s true that everyone uses pens and notepads. But people also love to take away more specialized, functional items.

If your business caters to professionals, provide products that they will keep on their desks like calculators, rulers and sticky notes. If you are targeting tradesmen, technicians or outdoor workers, offer gifts that will be used in a shop or workroom like tape measures, box cutters, insulated mugs and hats.

Remember that your name is on the product. Items that are used and looked at daily will give you the best return on your investment.

3. Not Using Items That Promote Your Stand

Are you using products that can promote traffic? Pens and small items can’t be seen on the trade show floor. Bags, hats and promotional t-shirts will expose your logo to a room full of people as people carry and wear them. If you don’t offer these products, you are letting an opportunity get away.

4. Not Using The Items Yourself

Wearing your on promotional clothing says you believe in your brand. Unless you are required to wear professional or specialized attire, wear a logo-printed polo shirt or hat. Your logo should also be on your lanyard or messenger bag. Why use generic items when you have the opportunity to promote your brand?

5. Not Testing Your Promotional Items

Before setting the items on the table for prospects to pick up, be sure to give them a trial run. You don’t want to give pens that don’t write or items that break easily. Don’t wait until the products are in front of prospects to find out they don’t work.