Concealed Carry and Masks

Until 2020, it was illegal in many states to wear a mask while carrying a concealed weapon. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states had to adjust their laws to accommodate mask mandates while still permitting the legal carry of firearms. While ordinances and laws are continually adjusted, the basic rules around masks and concealed carry typically follow common sense.

Always Illegal

It should come as no surprise that robbery, larceny or assault are illegal in every state regardless of whether a weapon or mask is present. In some states, though, penalties can be more severe for those who are wearing clothing or disguises that make them harder to identify. In Massachusetts, for example, additional counts can be charged for those whose faces are masked while they commit crimes or hinder law enforcement.

Varies by State

Though there are some crimes that are obvious, some states have particular rules when it comes to activities such as loitering or littering while wearing a mask. Generally, anyone wearing a surgical or other protective mask won’t need to worry about facing extra charges. Check your local ordinances, though, since some kinds of masks are not protected by all states. Additionally, some states are particular about having correct gear like concealed shoulder holster or weapons with safety features to further restrict concealed carry.

Always Legal

The federal government has been hesitant to impose any national restrictions on concealed carry. All 50 states have laws to accommodate concealed carry permits, and while some are more restrictive than others, it is recognized that US citizens have a right to own and carry weapons.

There are many reasons to have a concealed carry, and masks have become a critical disease-fighting tool. Before going out with both, check your local ordinances to make sure you’re safe from legal conditions while wearing a weapon and a mask.