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Cellulite Reduction Tips

Cellulite Reduction Tips

Cellulite is said to affect around 90% of women at some point in their lives, and the causes are still being researched. What we do know is that it consists of fat cells that have become trapped within fibres of inflexible supporting tissue. Tissues become inflexible due to poor supplies of oxygen and blood, and once trapped fat cells give a lumpy or ‘orange-peel’ appearance to the skin in the affected area.

The occurrence of cellulite is thought to be influenced by hormone levels, diet (and toxin intake), lifestyle and genetic factors. We have a few great tips on how to reduce cellulite significantly, but unfortunately there is still no miracle cure.

Toxins and diet

It is generally agreed that ridding your body of toxins such as alcohol, cigarette smoke and caffeine will have a positive effect on the appearance of cellulite. This is because they can cause restrictions in blood supply, worsening the condition. Likewise, your intake of salt and highly processed foods should be cut to a minimum. Salt often causes bloating and fluid retention, further exasperating the problem, while highly processed foods often contain all kinds of additives (including salt) that may have a negative impact on skin tone. Drinking plenty of water (preferably bottled or filtered) and increasing your wholegrain intake will help you to prevent water retention and flush toxins away.

Other favourite anti-cellulite diet tips;

– Avoid saturated fat and increase your intake of lean meats and fish, pulses, fruit and vegetables.

– Add onions to your everyday diet, they help to release water from skin cells.

– Start every day with a glass of warm water and fresh lemon juice. This is a very effective way of flushing toxins from the body.

Lifestyle and exercise

Diet alone is not enough to combat cellulite. Lowering your body fat through exercise and improving tone through massage, body brushing and various products and treatments can substantially improve the appearance of your problem areas.

There are several salon treatments designed to break down fat deposits and there are even specialist tights and underwear on the market that work on the same principle. Those that focus on heating and massaging the fat in affected areas can improve skin tone if used regularly. These products and treatments work by breaking down or ‘melting’ fat back into the bloodstream where it can then be processed by the body and excreted. You could also try ‘power plate’ workouts as part of your fitness programme.

Of course you don’t need to go to the salon to test the effectiveness of manipulating and stimulating the skin – self-massage and body brushing are great alternatives. These techniques can be made a part of your daily routine quite easily and are inexpensive to try.

The key to reducing cellulite is to combine the above approaches and to stick with it for at least 4-6 weeks if you want to see results.

Home Service Meaning
Home Service Meaning

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Things You Should Know About Concealed Carry Leggings

Concealed carry leggings are not the same as standard leggings. They are designed to hide a handgun while wearing them. You need to consider several features when buying a pair of conceament leggings.

Gun retention

There are several ways to secure your gun in concealment leggings. Use a simple holster or an elastic retention strap. The holster should be made to grab the fabric of the leggings. Two examples are the UltiClip and Fabriclip. You can also wear a holster like the Raven Concealment Vanguard, crafted from a soft and versatile fabric.

Unlike pocket holsters, gun retention with concealment leggings can also be achieved with a kydex holster. This type of holster completely covers the gun’s trigger, reducing the chance of the weapon being accidentally engaged. There are other options for handguns that aren’t compatible with Kydex holsters, such as removable ones.

Fabric options

When purchasing concealment leggings, consider the type of fabric you want. Many concealment leggings are made of athletic fabric, which wicks moisture away from the skin and dries quickly. This type of fabric is often comfortable and easy to clean.

Another type of fabric used in concealment leggings is nylon. While this fabric is not as comfortable as some other fabrics, it is very breathable and comfortable. Fabric blends ranging from polyester to spandex are also available.

Retention test

A retention test is crucial for concealment leggings to ensure they are comfortable and practical. The test involves placing a gun in the holster and performing everyday movements. If the leggings fail the test, they won’t be effective in real-life scenarios.

The retention test is the most crucial factor when evaluating concealment leggings.

While a gun is often the primary defensive tool, legging with ample pocket space is also helpful for carrying other items. Knives, tourniquets, pepper spray, and flashlights can all be concealed within the leggings.

Draw and reholster test

Performing the draw and reholster test on concealment leggings is essential in determining their ability to keep your concealed firearm safely within reach. It involves using a blue gun and reholstering it after it has been drawn. You want a legging that doesn’t make you uncomfortable while performing these actions. You also want one that can easily be concealed in various outfits.

It would be best if you also considered the retention of the holster. Some leggings are more supportive than others, so you may find it challenging to carry a heavier firearm in them. Besides a gun, leggings are also suitable for carrying other things like pepper spray, knives, flashlights, tourniquets, and other safety gear. A good pair of leggings should have ample pockets to hold these items.

Tall-size shirts aid in concealment

If you want to improve your concealment skills, buying a tall-size shirt can help. These shirts are longer in the hem and sleeves, which aids in concealment while standing, bending over, and sitting. They also have a longer hem, which means you can wear them longer if you want.


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A Green Guide for Recycling Your Holiday Gadgets

A Green Guide for Recycling Your Holiday Gadgets

With last minute holiday shoppers abound, right now is the busiest time of year to be purchasing new electronic devices and gadgets. According to the Consumer Electronic Association’s annual CE Holiday Purchase Patterns Study, this year’s electronic holiday gift giving will reach an all time high; accounting for over one third of all holiday purchases. Computers are at the top of nearly every wish list throughout the country.

Sadly, most consumers do not have a plan to recycle or even dispose of old gadgets. This is the perfect time to recycle unwanted technology. If you do not recycle, it upon bringing that lovely new laptop or the ultra-chic iPod home chances are the old and unused gadgets will continue to clutter your home. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2009 alone over 5 million short tons of unwanted, unused recyclable technology waste was being held in storage throughout the country. Worse yet, in a cleaning frenzy, these older products may end up in a landfill rather than a recycling center simply out of desperation to de-clutter your home. By simply taking the time to correctly dispose of your old computer when you get a new one will reduce disorder in your home, help the earth and if you recycle through the Dell Reconnect program, create jobs and profit your local community. As an added bonus, if you chose to recycle your gadgets before the year’s end, that too can be a valuable tax write off!

Before recycling old computers, laptops, or tablets be sure to save all files and then wipe the hard drive of all personal data before donating/recycling it. After that, all you need to do is simply find a recycling center near you. Generally, the retailer that you bought the device from will take it back free of charge. You may also want to consider the program Reconnect, I mentioned earlier. Dell and Goodwill have created a partnership to better serve communities nationwide. All you need to do is find a Goodwill near you to drop off your device, even if it is not a Dell. Goodwill and Dell handles the rest. All proceeds from this go towards assisting those in local communities and Goodwill’s main priority of helping with job creation. In addition, this also cuts down on waste, pollution and environmental degradation, which is the priority of every eco-family. When dealing with Apple products, it is always advised to return them back to Apple. You can either ship them directly or return at your local retailer. While you are taking care of those unwanted devices don’t forget to include any accessories such as keyboards, speakers, mouse pads or ear buds to name just a few. All of these accessories can also be returned to the manufacturer, donated via Reconnect or if Goodwill isn’t near you, nearly any other thrift store can and will accept such accessories.

Computers and other technological devices are made of many, …

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What Should You Look For in a Bikram Yoga Mat?

What Should You Look For in a Bikram Yoga Mat?

Donna had been taking a traditional yoga class for years. She started in a beginner class and has worked her way up to more challenging poses offered in an intermediate-level class. Because she has been so involved in yoga for years, she had a huge selection of yoga clothing for women in her closet as well as an Ashtanga yoga mat. With so much yoga gear on hand, she didn’t think she needed to buy anything special when she signed up to take a hot, or Bikram, yoga class.

So Donna went to her first hot yoga class and soon realized that she didn’t have quite the right gear after all. After just a few minutes in the class, she realized that the traditional mat she had always used wasn’t really suited for a hot yoga class after all. Are you interested in knowing what makes a Bikram yoga mat different than other mats? Here are the key features of this type of mat:

• Extra Sticky. Many of the traditional mats on the market today are designed to be slip-resistant, and this is key to your safety during the class. However, your mat is going to get saturated with sweat in hot yoga, so you want a mat that is extra-sticky and adhesive to the floor even when it is wet.

• Extra Absorbent. A Bikram yoga mat is designed to be absorbent, and this is key because in a hot yoga class, you will be sweating quite a bit. You don’t want sweat all of the floor, so you want a mat that will absorb your wetness.

• Composition. One of the most popular materials for this kind of mat to be made from is a tightly woven cotton, which has the features of being comfortable, absorbent, slip-proof, and washable. Other materials you can find these mats in include bamboo, foam, and others.

Hot yoga is an intensive and very challenging class. You will be sweating a lot, and your body will be challenged to the peak, so you want to have the right clothing on and you want to have a bikram yoga mat, too. You are sure to enjoy your hot yoga class, but you will get more out of it when you bring the right mat to class with you, so spend some time looking for the right mat that is designed specifically for hot yoga.


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Fashion History – The 1920’s in Today’s Trends

Fashion History – The 1920’s in Today’s Trends

It’s Halloween and you are all ready to roll. This year you have decided to go as a flapper. You’ve set your hair in tight, neat finger waves, and pulled your garter up your leg, which is still exposed under the extremely short hemline of your boxy, shimmy dress. You take a look at yourself in the full-length mirror and stop to think for a moment. Just a decade before the flapper Charlestoned the night away on the dance floor, women had their knees hidden under layers of material. Arms covered in yards of fabric were certainly not bare and free to move to the jazzy beats to come in the age of the Speakeasy. So how did this most sexy of Halloween costumes come to be? What is behind the shapeless, short, shift dress you see reflected in the mirror before you?

• Accessibility. The information age had officially begun. Vogue and Vanity Fair were in circulation picturing the latest fashion trends. Women found themselves fantasizing about wearing clothes just like they had seen in the magazine. Most wonderful of all was that this clothes was actually accessible. It was the Roaring 20’s. Times were good and fabrics were available. Most convenient of all was that this clothes was extremely easy to make – boxy shapes with very little tailoring. Women found themselves with the necessary skills, funds, and know-how to create a sexy flapper dress in their own home.

• Rebellion. Literally yards upon yards of fabric went into women’s clothing before the turn of the century. On top of all that material, or rather underneath, was a garter, a bust-enhancing device designed to restrict a woman’s breathing to a shallow whisper. But the 1920’s saw important changes that included the woman’s right to vote. That made the ladies stop and breathe… or at least they tried to… and then they untied their garters and took the deepest most freeing breath to date. Dresses lost almost all structure. Gone were cinched waists and in were flat chests. The fellas still got an eyeful with a whole lot of rarely-before-seen skin.

• Sports. You may wonder what sports have to do with the flapper dress. They have everything to do with its freedom of movement. Tennis, golf, swimming… women of the 20’s were expressing their athleticism and needed more comfortable clothing in which to do so. The trends of the decade reflected this trend in women’s sport. You can’t hit a backhand down the line with a garter that physically splits your upper and lower body into two. Those restrictions had to go; and as a result, women became fitter and healthier. An athletic body was in, and the flapper dress was the perfect way to display it.

So on this Halloween, wear that sexy flapper costume proudly. It’s far more than a little dress. It is a socio-economic fashion statement that inspired women to burn their bras and train to …

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Consider Children’s Book Sets As Gifts For The Next Big Holiday

Consider Children’s Book Sets As Gifts For The Next Big Holiday

If you are searching for gift ideas, children’s book sets are a fantastic place to start. Helping to encourage a love of books early in life is vital to improving a child’s literacy level over their lifetime. Surveys have shown that reading to children and buying them books when they are young will have lasting effects on their IQ, ability to read, and comprehension for life.

Children’s book sets are far superior gifts than videos. Books are a healthier choice when it comes to entertainment, in several ways. Television can actually have an adverse effect on a young child’s capacity to learn and pay attention, so it is suggested that kid’s under two stay away from the TV. Television, it turns out, has profound effect on the brains of little children. Most of the childhood ADD that is so prevalent in our society today is likely a result of too much television at an early age. This includes so called education cartoons that are very popular for toddlers.

There is no point in time when children are too young to buy books for. Even within the first day of life reading has a wonderful effect on the brains of children. Some nice little kids’ books would be a great gift to bring to a baby shower for an expecting couple. You can buy the parents compilations of classics as read along books or you can purchase books that are baby safe for the baby to experience. Appropriate books for little babies include soft plastic “bath” books and hard paged cardboard books. With these kinds of books babies can chew on them as much as they desire and there is no need to worry about them ripping the pages out. Babies even benefit from books like this that only have pictures in them, especially those with dramatic and sharply contrasting colors like black, red, and white.

Most of the time when shopping at websites or in the children’s section of your local book store you will find that books are organized by appropriate age. With such a system in place it should be much simpler to find the children’s book sets that are appropriate for the child you have in mind. Reading is always an educational experience, however, there are lots of educational books that not only develop the mind but fill it with knowledge, too. Whether you buy fiction books or specifically aimed educational books, doesn’t matter, any book is beneficial to educating a child.

Remember, whether they are for new parents or a special kid’s birthday gifts, you can’t go wrong with children’s book sets. Many times you can find children’s books that are specially written for the holiday or event they are meant to celebrate. You just can’t go wrong with the purchase of a set of books.…

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Use a Commercial Clothes Steamer For Dry Cleaning at Home

Use a Commercial Clothes Steamer For Dry Cleaning at Home

In the world today, it is not very often that we find ourselves standing in front of an ironing board and ironing out the wrinkles like generations before us. A lot of that has to do with the fact that our lives seem to be far more hectic and the material we are now wearing is generally permanent press. On top of all of that, people tend to take a lot of their garments to the cleaners. There are times of course when even the best permanent press clothes get their fair share of wrinkles. To avoid relying on your dry cleaners and their chemicals, we recommend a commercial clothes steamer, it’s like dry cleaning at home.

More people today are discovering the advantages of having their own clothes steamer. These steamers are handy to have around when you need to remove wrinkles, freshen clothing, or even remove odors from dry clean garments you have worn only a time or two. Not only does a commercial clothes steamer come in handy for wrinkled clothes you can also use one for other things like table cloths, drapery and linens. Something a lot of people find great about them is that they are priced so that anyone should be able to afford one. They range anywhere from sixty dollars to two hundred dollars for commercial garment steamers, and as little as thirty dollars for smaller, travel units.

Some might think that owning one of these might not be worth it because they might be too hard to use. On the contrary, these steamers are actually very easy to use and it will take no time at all for a person to learn how to use them effectively. Once you learn how easy they are to use, you will discover not only do they steam away wrinkles, they also steam away odors. Your clothes will last longer between dry cleaning visits.

Commercial clothes steamers are very gentle on fabrics, far gentler than a traditional iron. Steam is more mild than dry heat and it lengthens the life of your clothing. Additionally, it can be used on delicate fabrics as well as lace, around buttons, and pockets. Not an easy task for a conventional iron.

As for those irons, the dry heat that comes from most of these with its direct contact with the fabric will shorten the lifespan of the item, as well as leave an iron shine behind.

Common features of commercial clothes steamers include:

High output of 1000-2000 watts

High capacity water tank allowing for 45 minutes to 1 A� hours of continuous steam

Telescopic pole to treat hanging garments or drapery

Safety features to prevent overheating

Accessory brushes such as crease and lint attachments included

Commercial clothes steamers are a lot more durable than the hand held ones and they are capable of doing a lot more heavy duty steam cleaning. They are able to handle tougher jobs because they …

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Start Giving Gifts That Protect The Environment

Start Giving Gifts That Protect The Environment

Our environment is degrading day by day. It is high time we take some concrete steps to save the life on earth. Methods ranging from the usage of low power bulbs to the environment friendly transport are already in place. There’re numerous other efforts being made to save our environment from depleting. It is our environment so we should take all possible steps to protect it. Giving eco friendly gifts is one thing each one of us may start with. Below are the suggestions for some eco-friendly gifts.

Organic flowers are the most attractive alternative in the list of eco friendly gifts. The blossoms are grown in the most natural way. It should be kept in mind that flowers of local variety are grown so that no fuel is burnt in transportation. It will also help you save some extra bucks. For this you can consult a plant nursery or a nearby florist for these flowers. Houseplants are also an excellent option over flowers. They live longer and therefore your present will have a longer life.

How about giving away natural perfumes to your loved ones? The majority of the perfumes available in the market are made up of synthetics. These synthetics have different harmful effects on the environment. Go in for natural perfumes which are made of botanical extracts and animal essences. These perfumes not just smell awesome but are safe too. Unlike artificial perfumes that may trigger allergic reactions such as a skin rash or pimples, these are safe. If you have developed zits as a result of these artificial perfumes, you could use the Zenmed Derma Cleanse System to get rid of it. This anti acne product works on all types of acne.

Greeting cards are always a welcome gift. Whether it is someone’s birthday, farewell or the commencement of festive season, greeting cards are always in use. You can make this evergreen gift environment friendly by using cards made from recycled paper. Such cards are readily obtainable in the market. In the event you want to take an additional step towards being eco friendly, consider sending an e-card. Making a card at home is also an option. Create some ravishing botanart greeting cards and you’re bound to have appreciation coming your way.

Sounds unusual but kitchen scraps crock is a brilliant environment friendly gift you can give. Kitchen scraps are important item of compost. People who have huge backyards store kitchen scraps for composting. Storing kitchen scraps is not a simple task. It emits a bad odor. Here kitchen scraps crock is very useful. It stores the scraps effortlessly and fits the home environment perfectly. The crocks also contain carbon filters which cut down the bad odor.

These environment friendly gifts are pleasing in a way that they show your sincere involvement with your kith and kin and the ecosystem.…

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A Justin Bieber Doll Can Make A Great Gift

A Justin Bieber Doll Can Make A Great Gift

A Justin Bieber doll seems to be at the top of everyone’s gift list this year, at least for most little girls and teenagers across America. Justin Bieber is a 16 year old heart throb who is rocking the nation with his great music, good looks and his down to earth personality. Justin’s music climbs the charts, the girls swoon and his new found success has led to a whole series of dolls that look just like him and even play a short clip of a hit tune.

Some folks in the music industry compare him to Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson with his great moves, good looks and soulful songs. Justin comes from Ontario, Canada where some of his friends never realized he could even sing. He began singing around the house for his own entertainment and one day, at 12 years of age, he entered a singing competition just for fun. Surprisingly enough he came in second place and that was the beginning of his bright future in the music world.

In 2007, his homemade videos were published on YouTube where they racked up astonishingly large numbers of page views in the millions. This self-taught musician who plays the guitar, piano, drums and trumpet was seen on You Tube by record scouts, producers and marketing executives. Negotiations were made and he was signed for his first recording deal.

Since then Justin has done several concerts worldwide, appearing on national TV shows and climbed the popularity charts thanks to young girls from six to sixteen. It is hard to say which is the biggest draw to this young man – his looks or his music, or perhaps the magic is the combination of the two. He is definitely on the road to success and his Justin Bieber doll collection will be a winner with his fans as well.

Dolls are available in singing versions and fashion dolls. Singing dolls stand 12 inches high wearing outfits from his famous music videos, playing one of his hit tunes and feature a collectible mini magazine. The fashion doll collection has a doll resembling Justin wearing designer clothes, which are labeled for music and street or red carpet awards. These dolls are also 12 inches high, come with a mini fan magazine and show Justin wearing sun shades, headsets and carrying a microphone.

Justin Bieber may have started out with a few home videos, but his natural musical talent and good looks have carried him far. Young girls that cannot get enough of him are bound to go crazy over a Justin Bieber doll of their own.…

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Go For Organic Cotton Clothes

Go For Organic Cotton Clothes

All of us like to dress smartly. No wonder, we devote so much time in selecting the best of clothing. But, does your choice of clothing do any good to the environment? Maybe not! Now, you could dress smart and that too in an eco friendly manner with organic cotton clothes.

The regular cotton shirt you wear is made from cotton that is grown in farms. These farms contain large amount of pesticides, herbicides and other harmful chemicals. When this cotton is brought into factories, it’s treated with various other chemicals for further manufacturing process. Whereas, organic cotton is produced in more natural conditions using very less chemicals. It is more eco-friendly. Therefore, choosing organic clothes over the others is a worthwhile option.

There’re a number of benefits of using organic cotton clothing. First of all, it protects the eco system. Use of pesticides poisons the soil, air and water, thereby causing serious damage to the eco system. Organic cotton, on the contrary, uses natural means to manage pests and rodents. It makes use of secondary crops that reduces the dependence on harmful pesticides.

Using organic cotton also helps to boost the quality of food we eat. In conventional cotton farms the farmer sprays numerous chemicals and pesticides. These chemicals get soaked in the soil. This soil is later used to grow vegetables and fruits we consume. Also, the animals we use for milk and meat are fed on these crops. So, we take a massive quantity of pesticides directly or indirectly.

Over the time these pesticides show their harmful effects on several parts of our body. It ranges from mild problems like acne to the more severe ones like kidney dysfunction. In case you’re dealing with any type of acne problems, you could try Clearpores Skin Cleansing System.

Another benefit of using organic cotton clothes is that it may cut down the risk of allergies through chemicals. Your skin soaks up many toxic substances and residue from your clothing, which can lead to in skin allergies. Nevertheless, organic clothing doesn’t contain any chemical residue. This makes it effective for people dealing with body acne. It won’t aggravate your skin and prevent the problem from aggravating further. Nevertheless, for complete treatment, consider trying the Clearpores Body System.

Now you’ve good enough reasons to fill your wardrobe with organic cotton clothes. Try the trendy organic cotton yoga t shirts and pants, tunics and the like. Now, support the environment by dressing up the eco friendly way.…