Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

The Word of God tells us that our gifts will make room for us. Are you using yours? I believe that we all have a gift inside of us whether we know it or not.

No, I’m not talking about a gift wrapped in a bow and shiny wrapping paper. I’m talking about our spiritual gifts, those gifts that we were born with that were given to us from the Father.

Some of us have the gift of serving others, some have the gift of giving. Do you know what your gift is? What are you passionate about in life?

Our true passions are those things that we do despite of being compensated in any form. It’s those things that drive us and motivate us to the point that no matter what our situations are in life we do them wholeheartedly.

For instance, when you wake up in the morning, and you can’t think about anything other than painting, then you should pursue art. It’s those things that we love to do 24/7 that will take us far in life.

I believe that we all have a heart and a passion for something. Whether it’s something that you do as a hobby or something you aspire to do for a living, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and follow your passion.

Don’t let your gift lye dormant, there are too many open doors and opportunities out there. My friend I encourage you to look inside and seek what is most important to you. If you know your God given talent and your spiritual gift, then I encourage you to further your talent. I pray that it will continue to open more doors for you.

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However, if you don’t know your God given talent, find something that you love to do. Pray that God reveals your spiritual gift to you so that it will make room for you as you go through your life journey.